Blue economy
Cohen, P.J., Allison, E.H., Andrew, N.L., Cinner, J., Evan, L.S., Fabinyi, M., Garces, L.R., Hall, S.J., Hicks, C.C., Hughes, T.P., Jentoft, S., Mills, D.J., Masu, R., Mbaru, E.K., Ratner, B.D., Philippa Cohen. 2019. Securing a just space for small-scale fisheries in the blue economy Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 171
Human rights and fisheries
Song, A.M., Hoang, V.T., Cohen, P.J., Aqorau, T., Morrison, T.H., Andrew Song, Philippa Cohen ‘Blue boats’ and ‘reef robbers’: A new maritime security threat for the Asia Pacific?. Song, A.M. et al. (2019). ‘Blue boats’ and ‘reef robbers’: A new maritime security threat for the Asia Pacific?. Asia Pacific Viewpoint, online first 10 Oct
Morrison, T.H., Adger, W.N., Brown, K., Lemos, M.C., Huitema, D., Phelps, J., Evans, L., Cohen, P., Song, A.M., Turner, R., Quinn, T., Hughes, T.P., Philippa Cohen. The black box of power in polycentric environmental governance. Morrison, T.H. et al. (2019). The black box of power in polycentric environmental governance. Global Environmental Change, 57: 101934
Lawless, S., Cohen, P., McDougall, C., Orirana, G., Siota, F., Doyle, K., Philippa Cohen. 2019. Gender norms and relations: implications for agency in coastal livelihoods Maritime Studies, online first 12 Sept.
Cohen, P.J., Lawless, S., Dyer, M., Morgan, M., Saeni, E., Teioli, H., Kantor, P., Philippa Cohen. Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social-ecological systems: Applying a gender lens Cohen, P.J. et al. (2016). Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social-ecological systems: Applying a gender lens. Ambio, 45(Suppl 3): 309-321
Hicks, C.C., Cohen, P.J., Graham, N.A.J., Nash, K.L., Allison, E.H., D'Lima, C., Mills, D.J., Roscher, M., Thilsted, S.H., Thorne-Lymans, A.L., MacNeil, M.A., Philippa Cohen. Harnessing global fisheries to tackle micronutrient deficiencies Nature, 574(7776): 95-98
Climate Change
Roscher, M., Eam, D., Suri, S., van der Ploeg, J., Hossain Md, E., Nagoli, J., Cohen, P.J., Mills, D.J., Cinner, J., Philippa Cohen, Md. Emdad Hossain, Joseph Nagoli, Matthew Roscher, Sharon Suri. Building adaptive capacity to climate change; approaches applied in five diverse fisheries settings Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Brief: FISH-2018-18
Cinner, J.E., Adger, W.N., Allison, E.H., Barnes, M.L., Brown, K., Cohen, P.J., Gelcich, S., Hicks, C.C., Hughes, T.P., Lau, J., Marshall, N.A., Morrison, T.H., Philippa Cohen. Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities Nature Climate Change, online first 29 Jan
Livelihood and innovative
Lawless, S., Doyle, K., Cohen, P., Eriksson, H., Schwarz, A.M., Teioli, H., Vavekaramui, A., Wickham, E., Masu, R., Panda, R., McDougall, C. Considering gender: Practical guidance for rural development initiatives in Solomon Islands Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Brief: 2017-22