Date: 27 March 2024

Location: Virtual/Webex


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The blue economy is a promising sector for advancing youth employment and supporting structural transformation in low-income countries. In fact, economic activities within the blue economy can generate more jobs for young people than their older counterparts. But ensuring that job creation within this sector is environmentally sustainable requires a focused approach. 

At this webinar, experts from across the field will explore strategies for promoting youth-friendly and environment-friendly jobs in ocean-based industries, addressing the following questions: 

  • What is the blue economy and what does FAO’s vision for blue transformation entail?  
  • How does the blue economy contribute to creating a sustainable and inclusive future?  
  • What job opportunities can the blue economy bring for young people? 
  • What barriers are there to youth employment in the blue sector? 


WorldFish Participation:

WorldFish's Afrina Choudhury, Senior Gender Specialist, Research Fellow, and youth representative, will explore how aquatic sectors contribute to young people’s livelihoods. 


We look forward to your active participation.

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