Aquatic Foods for Healthy People and Planet
Welcome Message
WorldFish had a remarkable year in 2019 developing and scaling scientific innovations that support the sustainable transformation of food systems with fish and other aquatic foods for the benefit of people and the planet.
In 2019, we reviewed our organizational strategy and began working on a refreshed 10-year version that aligns with the One CGIAR reforms and maturing of the 2030 SDGs. With support of the Board, we made a critical shift towards food systems research and innovative aquatic food solutions for healthier and sustainable diets.
Gareth Johnstone, Director General
We are dedicated to building a more holistic agricultural research agenda that pays greater attention to linkages between land and water food production systems. Aquatic foods must occupy a central place in our food futures and in the global agricultural research agenda alongside land-based crops and livestock.
Yvonne Pinto, Outgoing Board Chair
We are fortunate to have the support not only of our funders, but also of the many organizations we partner with. We cannot advance the agenda for aquatic foods on our own, because the holistic approach we call for requires a wide range of interests and expertise to work alongside one another.
Baba Yusuf Abubakar, Incoming Board Chair
In 2019, we reviewed our organizational strategy and began working on a refreshed 10-year version that aligns with the One CGIAR reforms and maturing of the 2030 SDGs. With support of the Board, we made a critical shift towards food systems research and innovative aquatic food solutions for healthier and sustainable diets.
Gareth Johnstone, Director General

We are dedicated to building a more holistic agricultural research agenda that pays greater attention to linkages between land and water food production systems. Aquatic foods must occupy a central place in our food futures and in the global agricultural research agenda alongside land-based crops and livestock.
Yvonne Pinto, Outgoing Board Chair

We are fortunate to have the support not only of our funders, but also of the many organizations we partner with. We cannot advance the agenda for aquatic foods on our own, because the holistic approach we call for requires a wide range of interests and expertise to work alongside one another.
Baba Yusuf Abubakar, Incoming Board Chair

2019 Highlights
For 45 years, WorldFish has been working to improve the livelihoods of some of the poorest and most marginalized people through fisheries and aquaculture. Increasingly, we have come to realize that fish alone is not enough. We need to think holistically about all aquatic foods and how they contribute to healthy, sustainable diets.
Advancing food systems thinking
with aquatic foods
Aquatic foods are uniquely placed to meet the need for better nutrition sustainably while at the same time responding to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Influencing the blue economy agenda
When it comes to global and regional discussions around the blue economy, the voices of those fishers, who provide a billion people a day with nutrition, are seldom heard. WorldFish believes that we have a moral obligation to raise the profile of small-scale fisheries.
Growing recognition of fish for nutrition
Small fish could make a big contribution to vanquishing malnutrition around the world. Fish are rich in micronutrients essential to health and boost the nutritional value of foods they’re eaten with.