Samonn Mith is an experienced research, monitoring and evaluation professional, with almost 20 years’ experience supporting project implementation in Cambodia, including over ten years supporting aquaculture and fisheries initiatives in Cambodia. Samonn was a member of the evaluation team of USAID HARVEST Aquaculture Program, commissioned by USAID and led by Michigan State University in 2016. Currently Samonn supports WorldFish Cambodia’s monitoring and evaluation activities for the Feed the Future Cambodia Rice Field Fisheries II project and IFAD/EU Nutrition-Sensitive Aquaculture project, including advising on designing tools for both quantitative and qualitative collection, providing M&E training and coaching to WorldFish and partner staff, and conducting data cleaning and quantitative and qualitative (theme) analysis using Atlas and Nvivo softwares. Samonn Mith has an MBA (International Business) from the School of Management – Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.