Senior Specialist with more than 20 years’ experience of research in fisheries and aquaculture administration, policy reform and project management at a senior government level, providing policy advice on fisheries and aquaculture to a number of Regional Economic Communities (RECs), including the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), African Union Commission and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Sloans is a founding member of the Aquaculture Network of Africa (ANAF). He is conversant with fish processing, quality assurance, aquaculture, blue economy as well as trade issues within the framework of regional integration and improving market access for African fish products. Nominated to present the Action Plan to the Heads of State and Governments during the Abuja Summit and was instrumental in formulating the 2005 NEPAD Fisheries and Aquaculture Action Plan. He played a key role in the formulation of the African Union’s Policy Framework and Reform Strategy. Presently he is contributing to the implementation of the PFRS through membership of the Governance Working Group and President of the Pan-African Policy Research Network. Until recently, he was WorldFish Program Manager for the FishTrade (a joint WorldFish, NEPAD and AU-IBAR project) and WorldFish Country Director (Zambia &Tanzania). Before joining WorldFish, he was Head of Fisheries at NEPAD responsible for (i) the development of the Pan-African Fisheries & Aquaculture Policy Framework & Reform Strategy; (ii) assisting African countries to design and implement fisheries policy and governance reforms; (iii) designing innovative investment strategies for small and medium enterprises in fisheries and aquaculture. He is former Director of Fisheries in Malawi.