ICLARM policy on partnerships in research and related activities

ICLARM policy on partnerships in research and related activities
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1996). ICLARM policy on partnerships in research and related activities. International Partnerships and Networks Program, ICLARM. Makati City, Philippines. 7 p.
The need for strong national research systems, better utilization of scarce resources, quicker gains from strategic research and matching of complementary skills of agencies, underscores the importance of ICLARM working in partnership with national systems (government and non-government organizations), advanced scientific institutions, individual scientists, the private sector and farmers/fishers. ICLARM recognizes that partnerships can be formed at all levels of the organization from individual scientist level, to project, program and Center level. Through partnerships, ICLARM undertakes collaborative research as well as related activities such as workshops, training and advisory services. This paper draws extensively on the experiences gained in the past from working in collaboration with other agencies and puts together a formal policy on strategies and modes of working in partnerships.
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