Progress report on the capture and culture of presettlement fish from Solomon Islands
Hair, C.; Doherty, P. (2003). Progress report on the capture and culture of presettlement fish from Solomon Islands. SPC Live Reef Fish Infomation Bullutin (11): 13-18
Interest in alternative ways to catch fish (particularly very young fish) for the marine aquarium trade is growing steadily. The WorldFish Center (formerly ICLARM) in Solomon Islands has been investigating the feasibility of a new artisanal fishery based on the capture and culture of presettlement coral reef fishes3 targeted by the live fish trades. Our major motivation has been to find alternative sustainable livelihoods for impoverished coastal communities in the Pacific and Asian regions (Bell et al. 1999). In short, we are seeking fishing methods that are environmentally friendly and ecologically sustainable based on harvesting reef fish at the optimum time in their life history (see section below on Sustainability). The WorldFish Center project differs from similar projects in that the technology must be simple and affordable since our major objective is to create a new source of sustainable wealth for coastal communities with limited cash-earning opportunities.
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