Socioeconomic assessment of freshwater capture fisheries in Cambodia: report on a household survey

Socioeconomic assessment of freshwater capture fisheries in Cambodia: report on a household survey
Ahmed, M. et al. (1998). Socioeconomic assessment of freshwater capture fisheries in Cambodia: report on a household survey. Mekong River Commission Secretariat. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 185 p.
The findings are presented of a study conducted in Cambodia regarding the people in the village communities along the waters of the Mekong River who depend upon fishing and related activities for the whole or part of their livelihood. The study was carried out in the framework of the project 'Management of freshwater capture fisheries of Cambodia' and focuses on household level analysis through sample surveys in 8 freshwater fishery provinces. The computerized database created from the survey information collected is expected to provide background information for the assessment of critical constraints, as well as options for the management of fisheries in Cambodia.
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