The tabao of Atulayan: communal use of private property in the Philippines

The tabao of Atulayan: communal use of private property in the Philippines
Gorospe, M.L.G.; Pollnac, R.B. (1997). The tabao of Atulayan: communal use of private property in the Philippines. Fish aggregating device in developing countries: problems perspectives, Chapter 1
The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, to describe a low cost, effective fish aggregating device (FAD) technology; second, to examine the factors sustaining the use of this technology without the extensive outside assistance that characterizes the use of FADs in many other developing country contexts; third, to analyze a system of communal use rights with regard to private property. This will be accomplished through an analysis of the deployment and use of tabao (the Bicol term for FAD) by fishers from Atulayan Island, Carnarines Sur, the Philippines.
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