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If we are to meet the world's demand and need for fish, aquaculture production must rise. But for this to happen at scale, greater private sector investment will be needed, especially to support the growth of small and medium scale enterprises in developing countries. This will increase fish supply, help stimulate rural development, and increase economic opportunity for the poor.
Key to successful investing in any business is a clear understanding of the risks involved. In this article, Malcolm Beveridge, Mike Philips, and Wayne Rogers consider the risks faced by entrepreneurs in the aquaculture sector in developing countries and describe the approaches we are taking to help address them.
Central to this approach is working with partners and stakeholders throughout the market system to systematically identify risks and co-develop and implement interventions to mitigate them.
I'm convinced that such risk-based approaches are key for attracting the levels of investment needed to secure sustainable growth in this increasingly important food sector.
Aquaculture and Risk: a development perspective
Article by: Malcolm Beveridge, Michael Phillips and Wayne Rogers, WorldFish
Published by FarmD