Combating Malnutrition with Small Pelagic Marine Fish in Bangladesh - farmingfirst

Ministry, WorldFish strengthen cooperation in fisheries, environment - khmertimes

Kenya: WorldFish Supports Gender-sensitive Fisheries, Aquaculture Policy for Homa Bay County - ScienceAfrica

‘Nigeria spends $1.2b yearly to import fish’ - The Nation

The overlooked solution that could transform COP29 - Fair Planet

How the state of our oceans is intrinsically linked to human health - new report The Conversation

The State of The Ocean Is Intrinsically Linked to Human Health - Science Alert

A Pond in the Backyard: Odisha Women Secure Nutrition and Income With Fish Farming - the wire

If we want to build a better future, we all need to eat more fish - Aljazeera

Fish powder in diet curbing malnutrition among kids - The Times of India

Fish powder in meals helps Assam district reduce child malnutrition - The Hindu

Assam- Pilot project successfully combats child malnutrition in Kamrup district - The Economic Times

Will ‘loss and damage’ climate funding reach ocean communities? - Dialog Earth

Opinion: Ocean investments must reach developing countries - dialog.earth

Artemia opens new doors to aquaculture in Bangladesh - Prothomalo

Thriving Oceans Create Nourished Communities and Resilient Food Systems

Blue Economy Must Benefit Fishing Communities in Global South, Says WorldFish Chief
Inter Press Service

Solar-powered initiative set to cut post-harvest fish losses in Kenya’s lakeside villages
African Thinker

WorldFish DG, others advocate aquaculture investment to end poverty PUNCH

More Indians are now eating fish, and a lot more of it, finds study The Times of India

Video: Give Someone a Fish, You Feed Them - Unlock the Fish Genome, You Feed the World
Yahoo Finance

Fish genome has potential to improve food security
New Food Magazine

Genome insights unlock GIFT tilapia’s potential for global food security
The Fish Site

First full reference genome for a genetically improved tilapia strain could aid global food security
Global Seafood Alliance

Over 72 per cent Indians eat fish, shows new study
The New Indian Express

Is data transparency the missing bait for Kenyan fishermen?

Bangladeshi fish farms ‘need climate data support. Scidev.net

Dr Essam Yassin Mohammed interview INFOFISH International

Singapore launches fish farm in a shipping container to bolster food security: The Telegraph

Cage fish farming could be the future in East Africa, Devex

WorldFish’s Essam Mohammed: Africa on the brink of aquaculture transformation,Seafood Source

WorldFish and Norway promote renewable energy for Egyptian aquaculture, The Fish Site

WorldFish engages local partners to produce affordable feeds, Farmers Review Africa

WorldFish holds training on marine conservation at Teknaf, Daily Observer

WorldFish G3 Rohu' handed over to the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, The Business Standard

Some Notes on AI Use in Education, Fishery and Medicine. Penang Monthly

The EU would be wise to invest in African aquaculture and fisheries, EuroNews

How a power couple made fortune out of a fish, The Business Standard

Women take the lead in promoting nutrition-sensitive aquaculture in Odisha, Mongabay

Aquaculture students produce 10 000 catfish fingerlings, The Sunday Mail

Proper use of seaweed will boost blue economy, Bangladesh Post

How small-scale fisheries are big contributor to jobs, diets – The Times of India

Diversifying fish species and sources provide a flexible pathway to food and nutrition security – Phys.org

Key tilapia genome offers boost to global food security – Phys.org
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