Following the successful Blue Invest event of May 2018 in Brussels, and within the context of their work on blue investment, the European Commission (DG MARE) is hosting the “Blue Invest in the Mediterranean 2019” event. The events will be held in the The Westin Dragonara Resort, Malta.
Economic relationship with the ocean is once again evolving in important ways. As a setting for global trade and commerce, and as a significant source of food and energy, the ocean’s contribution is already important. This century, it is likely to become an economic force. The transition from a conventional resource economy in the ocean to a blue economy is a tremendous economic and investment opportunity, if it can be done right.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) projects that the global maritime economy will grow at twice the rate of the mainstream economy by 2030. The potential of the Blue Economy for sustainable growth and job creation around the Mediterranean Sea basin can play a significant role in stabilizing the region, whilst safeguarding its unique natural and cultural capital.