WorldFish aims to strengthen livelihood and nutrition security by improving sustainable aquaculture and resilient small scale fisheries. Thus, the organization encourages research advances to build resilience among fishing communities, ensuring fish for nutrition security and sustainable livelihood as well.
Small-scale fisheries, in Bangladesh, plays an important role in livelihood, food and nutrition security of millions of fishers, both in inland and marine waters. However, we further need to illuminate the hidden contributions of small-scale fisheries and identify the challenges to formulate integrated research and development agenda for its conservation and sustainable management. From these perspectives, ECOFISH project led by WorldFish Bangladesh is going to organize a two-day long Small Scale Fisheries (SSF) Symposium on 19-20 June 2019 at Hotel Sarina, Banani, Dhaka.
This symposium aims at sharing the knowledge on the context of the SSF, fisheries management and improved governance in the inland, coastal and marine fisheries of Bangladesh. The symposium expects to share and exchange experiences on the implementation issues and develop future recommendations for the improved management of small-scale fisheries in Bangladesh.
We are anticipating nearly 80 participants from the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock, BFRI, research organizations, universities, international organizations, NGOs, and private sectors at the symposium with six keynote presentations covering all aspects of SSF.
Events funded by USAID and organized by WorldFish ECOFISH-Bangladesh Project,