Incorporating fish consumption which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and various vitamins into the daily intake will significantly improve individual health since the human body are not able to produce significant amounts of these essential nutrients. Despite the rich nutritional value of fish, intake by pregnant and lactating women, especially among the poor, is low, and infants and young children are often not fed fish.

WorldFish projects, Aquaculture for Low-Income Consumers (AquaLINC) aims to increase supplies of fish that are more affordable, higher nutritional content and meet with the consumption preference of poor consumers at the same time reducing the ecological foodprint. AquaLINC is a three-year project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (GIZ) and led by WorldFish, University of Hohenheim, Central Laboratory for Aquaculture Research (CLAR) and Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF).

WorldFish will be hosting two days of AquaLINC workshop from 30 April to 1 May 2019 at Bangladesh & Egypt Aquaculture Platform, Egypt. Partners as well as Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training (BSERT), Saudi Bangla Fish Feed Limited (SBFFL), and Nova hatchery will be participating where they will explore the findings and outcomes of project activities and to discuss the opportunities for future cooperation between Bangladesh and Egypt aquaculture sectors.

In addition, three high-level government officials Director General of Department of Fisheries, Director General of Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute and Additional Secretary of Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock will be partaking the workshop including visiting WorldFish Research Station and government officials of Egypt.