A virtual webinar providing a “first-look” at some key findings from the upcoming Illuminating Hidden Harvest (IHH) report.

Date: Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Watch the event recordings:

Due out in 2022, the Illuminating Hidden Harvest (IHH) report ties together the efforts of nearly 800 authors and experts to contribute to a more complete picture of small-scale fisheries. 

Drawing on a tapestry of methods, including 58 country and territory case studies, the report examines the current environmental, social, economic and governance contributions of marine and inland small-scale fisheries at global and local scales. 

In this webinar, the IHH chapter leads shared a few key findings from the report and respond to audience members' questions during the Q&A session. 


Welcome remarks

  • Gareth Johnstone, Director General, WorldFish
  • Toddi Steelman, Stanback Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University



  • Giulia Gorelli, Illuminating Hidden Harvests Coordinator, FAO
  • Maria del Mar Mancha Cisneros, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University


Key findings (Presented by the IHH report leads on the environment, social and nutrition, gender, economic and governance dimensions)

  • Nico Gutierrez, Senior Fishery Officer, FAO
  • Simon Funge-Smith, Senior Fishery Officer, FAO
  • Dave Mills, Research Lead, Resilient Coastal Fisheries, WorldFish
  • Sarah Harper, University of British Columbia
  • Danika Kleiber, Research Fellow, Small-scale Fisheries Resilience and Equity, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies & WorldFish
  • Nicole Franz, Fisheries Policy Analyst, FAO
  • John Virdin, Director, Ocean & Coastal Policy Program, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University
  • Xavier Basurto, Associate Professor, Sustainability Science, Duke University


Question and answer session (Participants will be invited to submit questions to the webinar speakers. Facilitated by webinar moderators)

  • Vera Agostini, Deputy Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO
  • Lena Westlund, Fisheries Consultant, FAO


Closing remarks

  • Manuel Barange, Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Division, FAO


Follow WorldFish and the hashtag #aquaticfoods to check out past conversations on Twitter.


About the IHH initiative 

Led by FAO, Duke University, and WorldFish, the IHH initiative aims to generate and disseminate new evidence about the importance of small-scale fisheries to inform policy and practice. A major output of the initiative is a comprehensive research report based on a new and novel methodology. Due out in 2022, the IHH report looks holistically at the environmental, social, economic and governance contributions of small-scale fisheries globally.

The IHH findings will contribute to the growing body of evidence on the role and values of small-scale fisheries. Critically, the initiative will help to put much needed data and information  into the hands of countries, regions and small-scale fisheries advocates to emphasize the diverse and vital contributions of small-scale fisheries.