Ocean Innovation Africa is a platform that showcases African initiatives and brings together international entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, businesses, and leaders that are working towards creating a positive impact on our Oceans. Ocean Innovation Africa (OIA) is proud to power Regenerative Ocean Week (ROW) in collaboration with esteemed partners like the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), OceanHub Africa, Catalyze, and the Ocean-Climate Platform.

This transformative summit aims to accelerate & scale up nature, climate & people positive ocean solutions across Africa and beyond. ROW will bring together researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, community leaders, and other key stakeholders to co-develop ambitious pathways to accelerate the Regenerative Blue Economy.


WorldFish participation:

  • OIA is the platform to showcase innovations led by science, technology, and entrepreneurship and will provide the necessary leverage points to address issues of sustainable ocean economy and ocean conservation, especially SDG14 – Life Below Water. 
  • This year, our participation will be led by the Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway (AABS), our largest-funded project under the UK’s Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) program of the Blue Planet Fund.


We look forward to your active participation. Click here to learn more.

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