
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist

Megi Cullhaj is the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist for WorldFish and the FISH CRP. She provides support and technical assistance to projects and to the Fish research program to plan, design and inform the deployment of a robust MEL system. Megi also supports the use of the digital platform and Management Information Systems to facilitate research, knowledge sharing and data management for a proficient result-based system focus of aquaculture and fisheries.


She holds a Master degree in International Development Practice from Monash University,  with a specialist knowledge of development issues and of the development sector.  Her interest in making the development interventions more efficient, has driven her career path into project management, monitoring, evaluation and learning  to support strategic and result-oriented implementation of projects/programs, primarily in the Agricultural sector. She has previously collaborated with the CGIAR Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dryland Areas (ICARDA) to support the development and adoption of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning web-based platform across the organization.

Some of the issues Megi cares about are: justice, diversity and sustainability. 

Languages: Albanian, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.