Nabil Ahmed Ibrahim


Nabil is a scientist in the Aquaculture and Genetic improvement department; leading the colleagues in Abbassa genetic improvement programs to produce the genetically improved Nile tilapia under WorldFish brand name of "Abbassa strain" and distributed its ninth generation to the Egyptian fish farms, which has a good impact on the aquaculture sector. Nabil has more than 27 years of professional experience in the field of aquaculture since 1992; he got his PhD in 2001 from Cairo University. Nabil participated in the initiation and worked in different projects such as the Science and Technological Development Fund (STDF), Improving employment and income through development of Egypt’s aquaculture sector (IEIDEAS), Sustainable Transformation of Egypt′s Aquaculture Market System (STREAMS) and International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). Nabil playing a vital role in the training courses held for local, regional and international trainees in the field of fish genetics and breeding. He published 24 technical papers, 4 short books “1 translated into Arabic from English” and 3 extension Articles.