Paola Reale

Research Programs Manager

Paola Reale joined WorldFish in mid-January of 2018 in the role of Research Programs Manager, supporting the results-based management of the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-food Systems (FISH), the WorldFish research strategy and leading the Capacity Development work. The aim is to facilitate an inclusive management process for aquaculture and small-scale fisheries research that builds a results-oriented culture of research from proposals through planning to delivery and reporting. Key responsibilities include planning and reporting of the research programs, facilitate research activities across WorldFish regional teams, support the revitalisation processes for WorldFish’s learning and training hubs, contribution to fundraising by identifying and liaising with potential donors, supporting researchers in development of priority research proposals and fund raising initiatives, coordinate the development of the capacity development strategy under the FISH CRP program and chairs the FISH’s Capacity Development Community of  Practice.

Previously she worked for the European Commission, as Policy Officer in the Marine Resources Unit of the Directorate General (DG) for Research and Innovation. In this role she contributed to consolidate blue growth by enhancing research and innovation potential through relevant policy initiatives as well as the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Blue Growth research programming. She was in charge of international cooperation in aquaculture and member of Food Nutrition and Security Task Force, and appointed EU chair for two working groups for international aquaculture research cooperation that aim at enhancing sustainable aquaculture development and innovation among countries bordering the South and North Atlantic Ocean Alliances (Galway Statement for the EU, CA and US cooperation; and Belem Statement for the EU, BR and ZA cooperation). Prior to that she was working for the Joint Research Centre, the in-house research centre of the European Commission, as policy analyst for the bioeconomy observatory.

Paola Reale has worked extensively in bioeconomy, circular economy and for several cooperation projects for fishery and aquaculture development in several regions. She has worked in ACP countries, Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific region with different International Organisations, she has worked on sea conservation and fisheries policy for multiple European NGOs, and she has worked for the European Commission in Europe, the US, Canada, Africa, South America, and South East Asia.

Paola holds a B.S. in Ecology and Evolution and an MSc in Aquaculture Biology from Tor Vergata University (Italy), and an MSc in Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Management from West Virginia University (US). She speaks English, French, Spanish and Italian (mother tongue).