An account of fisheries development in the Republic of Djibouti with notes on the growth and mortality of three species of groupers

An account of fisheries development in the Republic of Djibouti with notes on the growth and mortality of three species of groupers
Darar, A. (1994). An account of fisheries development in the Republic of Djibouti with notes on the growth and mortality of three species of groupers. NAGA 17 (2): 30-32
A brief description of fisheries development in Djibouti is given, with emphasis on the major constraints that have to date limited the increase of fishing effort. Estimates of L sub( infinity ) obtained through Wetherall plots are presented for three important demersal species caught off northern Somalia and landed in Djibouti: the groupers Cephalopholis sonnerati, Epinephelus chlorostigma and E. areolatus (Fam. Serranidae). These are combined with estimates of the growth performance index O' to calculate K values, subsequently used for the construction of length-converted catch curves. The estimate of mortality thus obtained suggests that these stocks are lightly fished.
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