ACIAR_Improving fishery management in support of better governance of Myanmar’s inland and delta fisheries_Annual report 2017 - 2018

ACIAR_Improving fishery management in support of better governance of Myanmar’s inland and delta fisheries_Annual report 2017 - 2018
The ACIAR project entitled ‘Improving fishery management in support of better governance of Myanmar’s inland and delta fisheries’ was approved by ACIAR 16th December 2016 and signed by WorldFish on the 22nd December 2016. Implementation started on the signing of a Record of Discussion (RoD) between the Department of Fisheries and WorldFish on the 13th March 2017 (RoD annex 1). An inception workshop was held with stakeholders on the 12th May 2017. Progress to date includes advances on all three outputs with most work focussed on aspects of outputs one and two (PowerPoint from the Project Steering Committee meeting annex 2)
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