AfDB_Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT)_Quarterly Project Performance Reporting Q4_ October – December 2021

The procurement process of equipment supplies to implementing countries in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Tanzania, and Zambia was concluded in collaboration with the TAAT Project Management Unit (PMU) Procurement Unit. The bid has been finalized and submitted for evaluation, but the Compact realized that there is no adequate fund available to proceed with procurement and supply of equipment.
Aquaculture Compact continued to engage and provide technical support to Aquaculture Value Chain Actors (AVCA) in the 11 implementing countries and training of 50 representatives from 14 countries from Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia on fish feed production and formulation.
Training on Formulation and production of fish feed using FeedCalulator App: WorldFish in collaboration with Single Spark, the initiator of FeedCalculator App based in Netherland organized a virtual training workshop on Wednesday 8 December 2021 to strengthened Fish feed millers, fish farmers, extension personnel and researchers on the use of the ingredients databased resulting from the digestibility experiments conducted in Penang, the Nutrition Pond concept (NPC), and the use of the WorldFish NPC module of the FeedCalculator App to formulate sustainable fish diets. Participants from 14 African countries participated from Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Coted’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, Togo, Rwanda, and Zambia attended the two hours training which was delivered in English. A total of 50 participants were trained. Participants were expose to the use of Feed Calculator App developed by Single Spark based in Netherland. The App aim in supporting farmers to formulate high quality fish feed. The training was facilitated by Dr Rodrigue Yossa (WorldFish Fish Feeds and Nutrition Scientist) based in Penang, Malaysia.
The TAAT MPRO user guide training: Aquaculture Compact participated in the training organized by the PMU and MEL team on data collection, reporting and validation using MRPO platform. The MRPO is an ecosystem that collects, analyses data and visualize data in meaningful information as dashboards. It is basically used for digital monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and development projects. Objective of the training include:
• To familiarize users with MPRO web platform
• Report on MPRO web platform
• Validate data on MPRO web platform
• To familiarize users with TAAT MPRO mobile app
TAAT II preparation workshop: Aquaculture Compact participated in the TAAT II preparation workshop held in IITA Ibadan from Nov 29 to Dec 1,2021 to present the Compact achievement and activities that show the plan to move from demonstrations to scaling of Aquaculture technologies
Meeting with Dr Charles: The Compact had a meeting with Dr Charles, TAAT consultant to assess the deployment of technologies through the agriculture extension services and agro-dealerships across all the compacts in preparation for TAAT II. The meeting focused on the role of public and private extension service/providers and agro dealerships in scaling TAAT technologies and the role of Aquaculture Compact in strengthening national extensions systems and in agro dealer development
Participation in the West Africa Technology Fair: Sustaining Momentum towards Agricultural Transformation Organized by West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF) and Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) to present the Aquaculture Compact priority technologies for scaling and to establish new partnership ventures with the private sector and other technology "buyers". It will also help to further mainstream proven technologies into country agricultural programmes towards transformation and socio-economic development
Togo Engagement: Development of workplan and budget submitted to Ministry of Agriculture of Togo through the TAAT Clearing House on how Aquaculture Compact can provide technical support and disseminate proven technologies particularly the quality low-cost fish feed using locally available fish feed ingredient to support the development of Aquaculture in Togo.
Aquaculture Compact support Professor Tunde Ajayi on TAAT Project Completion Review with Aquaculture CompactPartners/stakeholders in filling the on-line questionnaire to seek their perceptions about the TAAT Project in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, challenges, lessons learnt, recommendations and suggestions for the improvement of the TAAT Project for phase II.
Preparation of project completion report illustrating in detail the Compact achievement and mode of implementation from inception
Compilation and documentation Aquaculture beneficiaries for upload on TAAT MPRO platform through the TAAT PMU and Monitoring and evaluation team.
Aquaculture Compact continued with virtual meetings with partners in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Tanzania, and Zambia for data collection and compilation for TAAT 1 activities and preparation for TAAT 11.
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