AfDB_Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT)_Quarterly Project Performance Reporting Q3_ July – September 2021

The procurement process of equipment supplies to implementing countries in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Tanzania, and Zambia continued in collaboration with the TAAT Project Management Unit (PMU) Procurement Unit. The bid has been finalized and submitted for evaluation. But the Compact realized that there was no adequate fund available to proceed with procurement and supply of the equipment.
Technical support provided to Aquaculture Value Chain Actors (AVCA) in the 11 countries resulted in 16,915 beneficiaries reached.
The major activities undertaken are as follows;
1. Develop an expression of interest in collaboration AfDB Blue economy flagship to participate in SADC regional project on improving fisheries governance and facilitating blue economy trade corridors to disseminate Aquaculture technologies.
2. Contribution to the Special Emergency Assistance Fund (SEAF) project for Mali and Liberia to support with assistance for catfish and tilapia seed production and capacity building.
3. The Compact participated and developed technical work planning activities for deployment of relevant Climate-Smart aquaculture technologies with proven success for Djibouti, the Horn of Africa to provide technical Support for Rapid Assessment of Status of Aquaculture, design for pilot Climate Smart fish farm, fish landing site and cold room. The program aims to build Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security in the Horn of Africa (HoA).
4. Technical work plan was prepared by the Aquaculture Compact for Kenya to access and uptake of new genetics and accompanying technologies for the fish sector, including producing quality low-cost fish feed and improved processing techniques. The mission was organized at IGAD level and the six (6) countries (Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and South Sudan).
5. Finalized three (3) extension manuals and published online for wider dissemination to Aquaculture value chain actors.
6. Developed first draft of two extension manual on fish processing and value addition; and fish recipes from the 12 implementing countries of Aquaculture Compact for review by Nutrition specialist in WorldFish Headquarters, Penang, Malaysia.
7. Private sector collaboration on country engagement through the ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Cameroon for scaling of Aquaculture technologies disseminated in Cameroon. The partnership is between Cameroon Aqua-Culture (CAC) and WorldFish. The collaboration between a private sector, Fish &Co and Aquaculture Compact catfish and tilapia fish breeder partners from Nigeria is in progress.
8. Development of concept note for outcome case study to be conducted in Zambia to analyze impact of TAAT on fish production
9. The TAAT Aquaculture Compact and the Clearing House conducted a documentary video in Benin on the impact of TAAT Aquaculture Compact activities with the aim of sharing with a larger audience.
The Compact continued with virtual meetings with partners in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Republic of Benin, Tanzania, and Zambia for data collection and compilation for TAAT 1 activities and preparation for TAAT 11.
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