Africa's age of aquarium : the dawning of ornamental fish culture - a high value livelihood option for vulnerable communities

Africa's age of aquarium : the dawning of ornamental fish culture - a high value livelihood option for vulnerable communities
The WorldFish Center (2005). Africa's age of aquarium : the dawning of ornamental fish culture - a high value livelihood option for vulnerable communities. The WorldFish Center ; CSO. Penang. 1 p.
A forward-looking community service organization (CSO) in Cameroon dedicated to sustainable development and environmental protection, Organisation pour l’Environnement et le Developpement Durable (OPED), has enlisted the help of the WorldFish Center and other partners in the public and private sectors to replace a shady trade in ornamental fish with an innovative and sustainable livelihood option for the 8 million people who live in the riverine ecosystems of the Lower Guinean rainforest.
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