An algorithm for identifying misspellings and synonyms in lists of scientific names of fishes

An algorithm for identifying misspellings and synonyms in lists of scientific names of fishes
Froese, R. (1997). An algorithm for identifying misspellings and synonyms in lists of scientific names of fishes. Cybium 21 (3): 265-280
A computerized algorithm is presented for the examination of lists of scientific names, assigning current names to known synonyms and misspellings, and suggesting the most probable correct name for new combinations and new misspellings. The algorithm was implemented in a system that made use of W.N. Eschmeyer's fish genera database of 1990 and of species names and synonyms compiled in FishBase, a biological database on finfish containing, at the time of this study 15,000 of the estimated 25,000 recent species of fish. The algorithm was tested with six independent data sets with altogether 10,711 scientific names. About 60% of these names either directly matched valid names, synonyms or known misspellings, or could be assigned automatically to a valid name. For the remaining 4,385 names, the algorithm made suggestions which led to the identification of 1,218 synonyms, 798 misspellings, and only 72 cases that needed more research and could not be decided based on the information provided by the algorithm. No match was found for 2,146 names referring mainly to species not yet contained in FishBase.
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