Aquatic Animal Health Package of Practices: Fish epidemiology and health economics

The absence of accurate baseline data on fish health and production, farm management practices, disease occurrence and mortalities, and the economic value of disease-related losses hampers disease control efforts by farmers and national governments. To address this, WorldFish and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute developed an open access survey tool to collect epidemiological data from different geographies, economies, and social and agro-climatic conditions. This online mobile phone data collection tool for farmer surveys generates the data needed for an integrated assessment of tilapia, carp and catfish epidemiology and health economics in Asia and Africa. The online tool is intended to replace the traditional paper-form survey and as a means of compiling baseline data more efficiently. Understanding fish epidemiology and health economics is necessary to sustain small-scale and industrial aquaculture in the future to ensure the supply of safe, nutritious and affordable aquatic foods to nourish populations. This package of practices includes the following key resources: The Fish Epidemiology and Health Economics survey tool, A course on aquaculture survey with ODK developed on the online platform for digitized learning and training, A step-by-step guide to conducting digital surveys for aquaculture performance assessment, Content creator guidelines: How to manage digital surveys for aquaculture using KoBoToolbox and ODK Collect mobile app, End user guidelines: How to access digital surveys for aquaculture using ODK Collect and KoBoToolbox, End user guidelines: How to sign up and access the course on aquaculture survey with ODK on
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