Assessment of earthquake and tsunami impact on fisheries dependent coastal communities of western province, Solomon Islands

Assessment of earthquake and tsunami impact on fisheries dependent coastal communities of western province, Solomon Islands
The WorldFish Center (2007). Assessment of earthquake and tsunami impact on fisheries dependent coastal communities of western province, Solomon Islands. WorldFish Center. Penang
Almost 90% of rural communities in the Western Province, Solomon Islands are coastal-based (FAO) and heavily dependent on fi sheries resources for their livelihood. On April 2nd, 2007 a large earthquake and tsunami hit the Western Solomon Islands causing varying degrees of damage and disruption to such coastal communities. The WorldFish Center and WWF-Solomon Islands (WWF-SI) carried out a rapid assessment of impacts over a broad set of villages across the affected area. This assessment was focussed on the damage to and needs of coastal fi sheriesrelated activities including the environment, infrastructure and equipment but also included a more general assessment of longterm threats to the sustainable management of coastal resources and communities.
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