An assessment of the Ponape Dory Project

An assessment of the Ponape Dory Project
Ritterbush, S. (1975). An assessment of the Ponape Dory Project. ICLARM
The Ponape Dory Project has been in existence for almost three years. It was begun in August 1972 with a Federal Office of Economic Opportunity grant of US $150,000. The initial grant was for a two-year period during which seven Oregon-type dories were to be constructed. The three original objectives of the project were: 1) to develop a program that would train Ponapeans to build, equip, and operate small, highly mobile, open fishing craft without outside assistance; 2) to initiate a training program in boat handling and motor maintenance and repair; and 3) to institute a similar training and demonstration program in the fishing methods deemed most appli-cable to Ponapean waters in an effort to exploit the full potential of the dory as a fishing platform.
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