Baseline biochemical and genetic profiles of four fishes from the River Nile

Baseline biochemical and genetic profiles of four fishes from the River Nile
Mohammed, E.A.H.A. (2006). Baseline biochemical and genetic profiles of four fishes from the River Nile. NAGA, 29(3/4):67-70
Six enzyme systems coding for 10 loci and 6 proteins were examined in the blood of Polypterus senegalus, Clarias lazera, Tilapia nilotica and Protopterus annectens, using electrophoresis. Six loci were polymorphic in all the four species, three polymorphic in three species and one polymorphic in T. nilotica. Four protein loci were monomorphic in all the four species with variants in P. senegalus and T. nilotica. Haemoglobin can be used as a species-specific marker. Polymorphism was 53-56 per cent and average heterozygosity was 0.1-0.15.
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