Biological parameters, body length-weight and length-height relationships for various species in Greek waters
Stergiou, K.I.; Politou, C.Y. (1995). Biological parameters, body length-weight and length-height relationships for various species in Greek waters. NAGA 18 (2): 42-45
Biological/fisheries parameters (L sub(oo) M, F) are presented for four fish species (Gadiculus argenteus; Gaidropsarus mediterraneous; Symphurus ligulatus; Lepidorhombus boscii) as well as body length-weight and length-height relationships for 11 and 12 fish species, respectively, estimated from trawl samples collected using three different cod-ends (stretched mesh size: 14 mm and 20 mm diamond-shaped and 20 mm square-shaped) during 1993-1994, in the western Aegean and North Euboikos Gulf, Greece. The fisheries paramaters, estimated from length-frequency using the ELEFAN approach and software, are discussed in the light of recent information on the selectivity of the presently used trawl cod-end (14 mm diamond shaped).
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