Cambodian inland fisheries: fact, figures and context

Cambodian inland fisheries: fact, figures and context
Baran, E. (2005). Cambodian inland fisheries: fact, figures and context. WorldFish Center and Inland Fisheries Research and Development Institute. Penang, Malaysia. 49 p.
Both the Cambodian and the wider Mekong inland fisheries are exceptionally important by global standards, withCambodian fisheries the most intensive worldwide in terms of catch per person. The aquatic resources are crucial to the income, livelihoods, and to the subsistence of the population. This study provides an overview of the current situation of inland fisheries in the Cambodian Mekong delta regions. Three main areas are covered: the physical feature of the Mekong wetlands and the Tonle Sap Great Lake, the social aspect where one third of the population in the area are dependent on fisheries and finally the fish ecology and its biodiversity composition.
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