The case of rice-fish farmer Mang Isko from Dasmarifias, Cavite, Philippines

The case of rice-fish farmer Mang Isko from Dasmarifias, Cavite, Philippines
Fermin, F.V.; Bimbao, M.A.P.; Dalsgaard, J.P.T. (2001). The case of rice-fish farmer Mang Isko from Dasmarifias, Cavite, Philippines. In: FAO ; ICLARM ; IIRR. Integrated agriculture-aquaculture: a primer. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. 407: 90-94
This primer aims to give decisionmakers in governmental and non-governmental organizations and in other organizations concerned with agriculture and rural development an overview and a basis for understanding the principles of IAA, and to help them decide whether to embark on IAA activities and include these in their program portfolio.The case of a rice-fish farmer in Cavite Philippines was described.
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