Coastal area management education in the ASEAN region: proceedings of the Workshop on Coastal Area Management Education in the ASEAN region, Singapore, 8-11 October 1990

Coastal area management education in the ASEAN region: proceedings of the Workshop on Coastal Area Management Education in the ASEAN region, Singapore, 8-11 October 1990
Chua, T.E. (ed.). (1991). Coastal area management education in the ASEAN region: proceedings of the Workshop on Coastal Area Management Education in the ASEAN region, Singapore, 8-11 October 1990. ICLARM Conf. Proc. (29): 92 p.
The continuing efforts of ASEAN countries to develop and implement their coastal area management (CAM) programs and to sustain smooth program operation for the long term have created the demand for coastal area planners and managers and related professional and technical staff. The urgent need for formal education and training to produce this new breed of experts was addressed by the Workshop on Coastal Area Management Education in the MEAN Region. Contributed papers summarized the present capabilities and constraints of educational institutions in the region vis-a-vis a graduate degree course on CAM, which is not currently offered in any ASEAN university. It was recommended that the comparative advantages of these academic institutions to implement such a program be evaluated. Appropriate teaching materials, with special emphasis on case studies, should be developed.
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