Community-based fisheries management in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia: diagnosis, planning and options testing

Community-based fisheries management in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia: diagnosis, planning and options testing
The WorldFish Center (2007). Community-based fisheries management in post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia: diagnosis, planning and options testing. WorldFish Center. Penang
The tremendous loss of life and assets resulting from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami dealt a devastating blow to the coastal communities of Aceh Province, Indonesia. There have been a variety of interventions ranging from repair and replacement of boats and equipment to reconstruction of landing sites and culture ponds. However, there is a concern that rehabilitation responses have been developed without regard to longer-term impacts and may, in some cases, be highly visible but not necessarily well-considered options. This calls for greater consideration of sustainable and integrated livelihood and ecosystem rehabilitation that strengthens the resilience of communities to cope with future threats from natural disasters, socio-economic change or political crises.
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