Community-based fisheries management project in Bangladesh

Community-based fisheries management project in Bangladesh
Pemsl, D.E. et al. (2008). Community-based fisheries management project in Bangladesh. p. 73-82. In: Impact assessment of policy-oriented research in the CGIAR: evidence and insights from case studies. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Science Council. Rome, Italy
This chapter examines the research projects on Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) coordinated and led by the WorldFish Center in Bangladesh. The overall goal is to improve fisheries management policy and policy process adopted by the government of Bangladesh and NGO resulting in more sustainable, equitable and participatory management of resources. In order to achieve this aim, the projects focused on two elements. Firstly, working towards a participatory management approach involving all stakeholders and facilitating the development of linkages between community groups and local government (institutional component); and secondly, developing and implementing improved fisheries management practices comprising habitat restoration and conservation measures.
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Research Themes