Contemporary visions for small scale aquaculture

Contemporary visions for small scale aquaculture
Belton, B.; Little, D.C. (2011). Contemporary visions for small scale aquaculture. p. 151-172. In: Chuenpagdee, R. (ed.) World small-scale fisheries: contemporary vision. Eburon Academic, the Netherlands.
This chapter discusses the importance of small scale aquaculture in supporting livelihoods and alleviating poverty. Similar to capture fisheries, this sector faces challenges related to globalized trade, production regulation and climate variability that threaten its future. This essay considers ‘small-scale aquaculture’ (SSA) from a variety of perspectives. It first examines the origins and usage of the term and offer a definition based on the social characteristics of those who practice it. It then examines drivers of contemporary SSA, the various roles that SSA plays in supporting agrarian livelihoods and its relationship to wellbeing and poverty with references to examples drawn from across Asia. The challenges and opportunities presented to small-scale producers and culture systems are assessed, and the likely future of small-scale aquatic production systems is discussed.
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