Creating rural livelihoods in Solomon Islands through an environmentally friendly trade of marine ornamentals for the aquarium trade: lessons learned

Creating rural livelihoods in Solomon Islands through an environmentally friendly trade of marine ornamentals for the aquarium trade: lessons learned
The WorldFish Center (2010). Creating rural livelihoods in Solomon Islands through an environmentally friendly trade of marine ornamentals for the aquarium trade: lessons learned. Lesson Learned 2121. The WorlFish Center, Penang. 8 p.
The marine ornamental trade became active in Solomon Islands in the mid-1980s, primarily through the wild harvest of corals and fish. The initiation of more sustainable techniques (cultured giant clams and farmed corals) did not occur until the late-1990’s through projects initiated under the auspices of ICLARM (former WorldFish. This brief highlights the key features of a 5 year project funded by New Zealand and undertaken by the WorldFish Center and the WWF-SI, working with local villagers to establish marine ornamentals for the aquarium trade as a sustainable supplementary livelihood activity for rural coastal communities.
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