Development of sustainable aquaculture project (DSAP)

Development of sustainable aquaculture project (DSAP)
The WorldFish Center (2005). Development of sustainable aquaculture project (DSAP). WorldFish Center. Penang, Malaysia. 6 p.
The WorldFish Center, previously known as the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), has been working in Bangladesh since 1989. WorldFish's efforts have been diverse but focused mainly on small-scale aqua culture and participatory management. During the last 14 years the WorldFish Center in collaboration with the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) has evolved many transferable aquaculture technologies. During 1999-2000, WorldFish tested these technologies under the "Research for Development of Sustainable Aqauculture Project (RDSAP)". Fallowing successful implementation of RDSAP, another project "Development of Sustainable Aquaculture Project (DSAP)" was undertaken on 28 June 2000. The project will continue for 5 years until July 2005. The DSAP is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the WorldFish Center.
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