Digital fisheries information systems and knowledge sharing platform for managers and value chain actors under PROFISHBLUE


Hossain PR and Siamudala V. 2024. Digital fisheries information systems and knowledge sharing platform for managers and value chain actors under PROFISHBLUE. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Fact Sheet: 2024-34.

Climate variability (high temperatures, cold spells, heavy rain, spells) and extremes (floods, drought) have a profound influence on fisheries and aquaculture in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. In Zambia, for instance, Northern and Luapula provinces face increased rainfall, longer rainy seasons, lower temperatures and strong winds—all of which affect fisheries and aquaculture in various ways—while Southern province is plagued by drought and dry spells. As climate variability inevitably induces risks, it is critical to build climate resilience and institutional adaptability to shocks. This will strengthen institutional capacity and knowledge toward adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of climate change and build resilience to other vulnerabilities of the aquatic food systems sector in the region.

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