Disaggregated projections on supply, demand,and trade for developing asia: preliminary results from the Asiafish model

Disaggregated projections on supply, demand,and trade for developing asia: preliminary results from the Asiafish model
Dey, M.M. et al. (2004). Disaggregated projections on supply, demand,and trade for developing asia: preliminary results from the Asiafish model. IIFET Proceedings
The AsiaFish model is a quantitative tool for making disaggregated projections and impact analysis for fish supply, demand, and trade. It has recently been applied to nine major fish producers in Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam). The resulting analysis is useful for the evaluating strategies and identifying priority technologies for the propoor and sustainable development of the fish sector in these countries. The paper summarizes the method for applying the AsiaFish model, presents the results of model projections for these countries, and draws preliminary conclusions from a cross-country comparison.
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