Dissemination and adoption of milkfish aquaculture technology in the Philippines

Dissemination and adoption of milkfish aquaculture technology in the Philippines
The WorldFish Center (2005). Dissemination and adoption of milkfish aquaculture technology in the Philippines. WorldFish Center. 85 p.
The study focuses on the current structure of the milkfish industry by examining the development and changes in the production and processing technologies, and product demand, markets and institutions over the past decade. In particular it looks into the policy structure, the role of research and technology, and identification of parameters/ variables that has enhanced and/or hindered technology adoption by the small-holder operators, e.g., farmers, traders and processors. Hence, the general objective of the study is to analyze the production, market and policy structures of the milkfish industry in the Philippines in order to identify the constraints and opportunities for the future growth of the industry with emphasis on the adoption and impact of technological development using case studies in hatchery and grow-out production and post production systems that can be transferred or replicated in other parts of the Philippines.
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