Dissemination and evaluation of genetic improved tilapia species in Asia (DEGITA): final report (January 1998)

Dissemination and evaluation of genetic improved tilapia species in Asia (DEGITA): final report (January 1998)
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (1998). Dissemination and evaluation of genetic improved tilapia species in Asia (DEGITA): final report (January 1998). International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM). Manila, Philippines. 151 p.
The major objectives of the DEGITA ( Project (Dissemination and Evaluation of Genetically Improved Tilapia Species in Asia) were: 1) to carry out genetic, socio economic and environmental evaluation of the improved tilapia species in Bangladesh, People's Republic of China (PRC), the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam; 2) to analyze the overall impact of the improved tilapia strain on different groups of society (farmers, consumers, landless laborers, etc.); 3) to disseminate the promising tilapia strain among small fisherfolk in these five countries; and 4) to transfer scientific knowledge and technology for tilapia genetics in order to assist these five countries in planning national tilapia breeding programs.