Dissemination and scaling strategy for genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) in India, 2020–2030

Gaikwad, A. Padiyar, A. Datta, S. Shikuku, K. M. Mohan, C. V. Trong, T. Benzie, J. and Phillips, M. (2021). Dissemination and scaling strategy for genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) in India, 2020–2030. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Strategy: 2021-09.
A strategy for GIFT dissemination and scaling in India is imperative to ensuring that the positive changes in policy and the increased efforts and investments in the tilapia industry succeed to scale impacts of GIFT adoption. Therefore, India’s GIFT strategy aims at ensuring increased productivity, incomes, food and nutrition security, and reduced poverty through effective dissemination and scaling of GIFT within a sustainable business model. To achieve this aim, the strategy describes the dissemination model with annual milestones and an action plan from March 2020 to March 2030. The strategy further details plans for quality control, demand creation, and monitoring, evaluation and learning. Fundamental to this strategy is to encourage private sector investment and to strengthen public-private partnerships (PPPs). We recognize that successful scaling implies market acceptance. It also requires an enabling environment in the form of favorable policies, access to financing and aquaculture advisory services, links to input and output markets, and quality assurance. The strategy proposes the formation of a business development wing (BDW) or an India innovation hub. The BDW will be jointly supported by the MPEDA-RGCA and WorldFish to meet the commissioner-cum-secretaries of fisheries departments in focal states and convince them to invest in GIFT hatcheries under the freshwater finfish hatchery plan. In addition, the BDW will promote a GIFT farm demonstration program with input support to freshwater aquaculture farms either through state plans or through central government plans, such as PMMSY and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), as well as through private sector players, like feed companies and hatcheries.