A draft guide to the ECOPATH II program (ver. 1.0)

A draft guide to the ECOPATH II program (ver. 1.0)
Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (1990). A draft guide to the ECOPATH II program (ver. 1.0). ICLARM Softw. (6): 22 p.
This guide documents the use and background of a program written for MSDOS Computers, in QUICKBASIC 4.5, for straightforward construction and parametrization of steady-state trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. The ECOPATH II program is structured around a system of linear equations as suggested by JJ. Polovina and coworkers, and also incorporates routines from the computation of various network flow indices derived from a theory presented by R.E. Ulanowicz.
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