End user guidelines: How to sign up and access the fish syndromic surveillance course on Learn.ink
Learn.ink is an online platform for digitized learning and training. Sharing digital content on mobile devices is important for efficient knowledge sharing and training to work with target community groups on a range of topics, such as fish epidemiological surveys, disease surveillance, fish sampling for disease diagnostics and better management practices for biosecurity. Using the Learn.ink platform, we aim to provide a more engaging digital learning experience for end users in situations where remote virtual training is necessary.
The fish syndromic surveillance course was developed on Learn.ink to provide users with a basic understanding of disease surveillance in farmed fish. The modules provide an introduction to typical clinical signs of disease in fish, a checklist for building a syndromic surveillance programme and guidelines on using an online rapid reporting tool for fish disease outbreaks. The course can be utilized by field enumerators, extension workers, fisheries officers, service providers, farmers and students in fish epidemiology.
These guidelines include the link to the fish syndromic surveillance course on Learn.ink. After course completion, users can refer to the modules to train participants or teams involved in national disease surveillance programmes for farmed fish.
Date Available
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