Feasibility of adopting aquaculture without detriment to existing farming practices: a case of Bangladesh farming systems

Feasibility of adopting aquaculture without detriment to existing farming practices: a case of Bangladesh farming systems
Ahmed, M.; Rab, M.A. (1992). Feasibility of adopting aquaculture without detriment to existing farming practices: a case of Bangladesh farming systems. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Farming Systems Symposium 13-18 Sept 1992, Michigan State University, Michigan
Integrating agriculture aquaculture that would draw inputs from on farm sources is viewed as a viable option to improve the productivity, income and resource use efficiency of existing farms in Bangladesh. To assess the existing resource availability, use pattern and efficiency before introducing new aquaculture technology within the existing farm systems, a survey of 330 pond operating farm households was conducted in six selected unions from two thanas (subdistricts) of Bangladesh.
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