Fishermen's knowledge as background information in tropical fish ecology: a quantitative comparison with fish sampling results

Poizat, G.; Baran, E. (1997). Fishermen's knowledge as background information in tropical fish ecology: a quantitative comparison with fish sampling results. Environmental Biology of Fishes 50(4):435-449 1997
An investigation of fishermen€™s knowledge of fish occurrence patterns on various spatio-temporal scales has been realized in the Fatala Estuary (Guinea, West Africa), accompanied by a one-year survey with standardized gill-net sets. Seventy one fishermen distributed in four zones corresponding to gill-net sampling sites were questioned about seasonal variations of species€™ relative abundances. Longitudinal and seasonal patterns of fish relative abundances were described with correspondence analysis and ANOVA for both approaches. Comparison of results showed a good coherence between fishermen€™s answers and gill-net sampling results. Thus, it is proposed that investigation of fishermen€™s ecological knowledge should be used as a preliminary study to help defining fish sampling designs in tropical rivers and estuaries.
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