Fishponds in farming systems

Van der Zijpp, A J; Verreth, J.A.J; Le Quang Tri; van Mensvoort, M.E.F.; Bosma, R.H.; Beveridge, M.C.M. (eds.). (2007). Fishponds in farming systems. Wageningen Publishers. Netherlands. 311 p.
This book is a collection of refereed papers on a controversial subject in agricultural development. Arguing that sustainability of fish culture in ponds needs a new paradigm - feed the pond to grow fish - two chapters focus on nutrient cycling in such systems. Another chapter makes the case for breeding Nile tilapia for resource poor farmers and presents practical options to avoid the pitfalls that arise from natural tilapia mating in low-input ponds. The book contains chapters on livelihood and development aspects and ends with a general discussion completing the picture of the integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems. Overall it composes a review which addresses one of the key issues of the new century: how to sustainably produce food without compromising environmental integrity.
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