A framework for rapid appraisal of coastal environments

A framework for rapid appraisal of coastal environments
Pido, M.D.; Chua, T.E. (1992). A framework for rapid appraisal of coastal environments. ICLARM Conf. Proc. (37): 133-148
Taking off from the concept and methodology of rapid rural appraisal (RRA) and allied modes of research, the rapid appraisal of coastal environments (RACE) attempts to expedite the coastal zone planning process. The RACE adopts or modifies RRA techniques to fast-track the diagnosis of coastal issues, arrive quickly at the subject areas for more rigorous research and facilitate the formulation of the management plan. The integration of exploratory, topical and monitoring RACE categories into the planning process is expected to provide reliable information in a fairly quick and cost-effective manner. Still, a distinct conceptual framework, practical methodologies as well as more concrete, sector-specific and transectoral data-gathering instruments need to be developed for a more effective RACE.
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