GIS mapping of pond aquaculture potential in southern Cameroon, Africa

GIS mapping of pond aquaculture potential in southern Cameroon, Africa
Kam, S.P. et al. (2007). GIS mapping of pond aquaculture potential in southern Cameroon, Africa. WorldFish Center. Penang. 1 p.
Currently there is an unmet demand for freshwater aquaculture production in Cameroon to satisfy domestic fish needs and enhance food security. The aquaculture sub-sector remains under-developed despite its reported potential and past efforts to stimulate its growth. Location-specific successes of smallholding pond aquaculture need to be out-scaled to benefit more farm households. However conditions favoring adoption do not occur uniformly over geographical space. GIS modeling techniques were used to identify and map the potential for smallholding pond aquaculture systems to aid aquaculture planning and management.
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